Before you purchase:
These items are from vehicles that have been involved in an accident and have not been tested for function and hidden deficiencies.
We give you the opportunity to test the product send it back within 14 days, to determine if the item is functional.
All items are sold as consumer spare parts.
Please verify the part number in order to ensure the part being ordered is the right model for your vehicle.
The eBay compatibility list does not give you a guarantee that item is the correct fit for your vehicle.
Please ensure that your information on eBay is correct, especially your shipping address.
If your contact number is not up to date, we will be unable to contact you regarding the shipping status or other important information. Please provide a valid phone number in case we have to contact you for any reason.
Please clarify all the necessary questions before purchasing through e-mail or phone.
Our staffs are always available to help and provide you with any required information.